This is a monumental work – magisterially conceived, methodically planned and meticulously executed. In the Brazilian context at least (and – for all you know – in the entire context of Portuguese language linguistics as well), it is sure to be greeted as a trail-blazing endeavour. Neves, who needs no introduction to Lusophone linguists, has brought to bear on the task she took upon herself with uncommon courage aplomb years of experience in the study and teaching of Portuguese, as well as functional linguistics – her happy hunting ground for the past several years, where she has established for herself a solid reputation as one of Brazil’s leading researchers. In other words, the book under review may be viewed as the culmination and crowning achievement of an intellectual journey marked by such important milestones as Curso de Grego – Propedêutica (1985), A Vertente Grega da Gramática Tradicional (1987), Gramática na Escola (1990), A Gramática Funcional (1997), with many more sure to come in the years ahead.
How to Cite
Rajagopalan, K., (2002) “Review of Gramática de Usos do Português”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1(1), 139-144. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.51