The aim of this paper is to bring European Portuguese (EP) data into light, showing that, in spite of the lack of morphological evidence, the syntactic behaviour of possessives, across EP dialects, shows evidences for a tripartite possessive system (Cardinaletti, 1998; Cardinaletti & Starke, 1999). It will be argued that the syntactic position of possessives parallels the positions assumed for EP sentential subjects in non interrogative contexts: [Spec, AgrsP], [Spec, TP] and [Spec, VP]. As a matter of fact, depending on their syntactic properties and assuming, as null hypothesis, that the nominal head moves to Numbº, possessives may occur in [Spec, AgrsNP], [Spec, NumbP] and [Spec, NP]. Furthermore, would it be so, this dialectal variation would be useful in order to understand the changes that have occurred in other romance languages in previous stages. It might be the case that the loss of weak possessive forms (“mien”) in French parallels, among other things, the lack of sentential subjects in [Spec, TP].
How to Cite
Miguel, M., (2002) “Possessive Pronouns in European Portuguese and Old French”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1(2), 215-240. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.43