For the past few years there has been an intense and increasing collaboration effort between researchers working on the Iberian languages, and this is particularly true in the realm of phonetics and phonology. The Journal of Portuguese Linguistics has played a role in contributing to stimulate such a collaborative research focusing on the Iberian languages: first with a Special Issue on Variation and Change in the Iberian Languages: the Peninsula and Beyond, and now with a Special Issue on the Prosody of Ibero-Romance and Related Languages. In fact, to broaden its scope of coverage to the Iberian languages has become an explicit goal of the journal. As guest-editors of this issue, we are very pleased to be able to contribute to this objective, which we find an extremely fruitful one.
How to Cite
Elordieta, G. & Vigário, M., (2007) “Introduction to the special issue”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 6(1), iii-vii. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.143