The volume under review contains the written versions of twelve of the pres-entations at the first Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia (PaPI) conference. I wrote this review shortly after attending the third PaPI in Braga in 2007. Both the volume and the fact that the conference of 2003 made it into a series dem-onstrate that the field is thriving in Iberian studies. The PaPI conferences are firmly rooted in the Laboratory Phonology movement and exude a healthy desire to treat phonology as a conventional branch of science.
How to Cite
Gussenhoven, C., (2007) “Review of Prosodies. With Special Reference to Iberian Languages. Edited by Sónia Frota, Marina Vigário & Maria João Freitas (2005). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 6(2), 83-91. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.141