In this article we explore the exceptional gender agreement of the Spanish adverb mucho (‘much’), when it modifies comparative adjectives inside DPs that contain a particular type of noun (as in muchafem mejor intenciónfem, ‘much better intention’). This phenomenon, which we describe in detail, raises crucial questions both about the mechanisms of agreement and about the nature of gender in a language such as Spanish. We will argue on the basis of our analysis that agreement is not semantically motivated, but blindly triggered by certain formal configurations. We will also argue that – at least in languages such as Spanish – gender information is scattered in two different positions inside the DP.
How to Cite
Fábregas, A. & Pérez, I., (2008) “Gender agreement on adverbs in Spanish”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 7(2), 25-45. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.126