This book consists of a collection of ten essays on some major syntactic properties of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) considered in light of recent developments of the Minimalist program (Chomsky, 1995 et seq). The essays are grouped around two intertwined themes: (i) Movement and empty categories and (ii) The syntax-morphology interface. The discussion offered in each essay strengthens and supports the results presented in other chapters, a feature that confers on the volume a high degree of coherence. Though the book is devoted to a series of themes in BP syntax, it will be of interest to a wide spectrum of scholars, ranging from those interested in the more empirical aspects of (micro)variation to those grappling with the theoretical or methodological issues that arise when considering linguistic phenomena from a Minimalist point of view.
How to Cite
Picallo, M., (2010) “Review of Minimalist Essays on Brazilian Portuguese Syntax Linguistic Aktuell/Linguistics Today”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 9(1), 139-147. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.114