This work investigates first language (L1) influence on the second language (L2) acquisition of aspect, comparing participants with homogeneous L1 background (Russian) in Mainland Greece (L2 Standard Modern Greek) and Cyprus (L2 Cypriot Greek), where verb complementation takes a finite form instead of an infinitival as is possible in Russian. Focus of the experimental study lies on embedded environments, which require only perfective aspect in Greek but allow either perfective or imperfective in Russian. The findings support the Full Transfer/Full Access Hypothesis, according to which aspect is part of Universal Grammar and L2 learners can reach native-like attainment due to access to it, while at the initial stage of L2 acquisition transfer from L1 into L2 takes place.
cross-linguistic interference, imperfective, perfective, transfer, Universal Grammar
How to Cite
Karpava, S. & Grohmann, K., (2013) “Embedded aspect in L2 acquisition: Evidence from L1 Russian learners of Greek”, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 12(1), 121-144. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.80