
241 results

Issues in the formal semantics of referentiality
Issues in the formal semantics of referentiality

Roberta Pires de Oliveira, Maria José Foltran, Henriëtte de Swart and Jenny Doetjes

2015-06-30 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 3-6

Subject Bare Singulars in Brazilian Portuguese and Information Structure
Subject Bare Singulars in Brazilian Portuguese and Information Structure

Sérgio de Moura Menuzzi, Maria Cristina Figueiredo Silva and Jenny Doetjes

2015-06-30 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 7-44

Editorial Statement
Editorial Statement

Maria Antónia Mota and Silvia Rodrigues Vieira

2013-12-31 Volume 12 • Issue 2 • 2013 • 3-5

Agreement patterns with a gente in Portuguese
Agreement patterns with a gente in Portuguese

Leonardo Marcotulio, Juliana Vianna and Célia Lopes

2013-12-31 Volume 12 • Issue 2 • 2013 • 125-149


Alexandra Fiéis and Ana Madeira

2013-06-30 Volume 12 • Issue 1 • 2013 • 3-6